Dr. W. (France): Retired medical doctor who suffered severe asthma, sinusitis and was overweight. Identified and avoided various foods to which he was allergic and lost all his symptoms as well as over 2 stones in weight. "If I had my time over again, my first chosen method of treatment would undoubtedly be diet!".

Mrs J.M.: Felt so ill had to give up job. Felt rotten all the time and had very bad leg pains. Found to be allergic to milk and dairy products. After avoidance: "The difference in my life is unbelievable".

Mr. D.D.: "I conquered depression after changing to a wheat-free diet. . . I was amazed by the dramatic change!"

Mr. A.F. (age 15 yrs): Severe asthma, overweight. Unable to attend school. Proved allergic to tobacco smoke, chicken, wheat, sunflower oil. After removal of allergens, all symptoms cleared up and weight normalised.

Mrs D.E.: Symptoms M.E. and overweight. Found to be allergic to cheese, eggs, wheat and cucumber amongst others. By avoidance, lost all M.E. symptoms and delighted at losing 3 stones in under 5 months!

Miss K.S.: Obesity, lack of coordination and fatigue. Drugs given by her doctor were no use at all. Found she was allergic to whole grains and meat. By avoiding these items, all her symptoms cleared up and she lost 2 stones!

Mrs S.K.: "I suffered from arthritis in the hip and spine. I am pain-free except when I eat tomatoes, cheese or marmalade!"

Mrs M-J.S. (France): Our son’s eczema cleared up after omitting several allergic foods including milk. When he went to boarding school he could not avoid those foods and it returned!

Miss M.E. (aged 4 years): Suffered eczema, asthma and hyperactivity. Avoidance of dairy produce and chocolate resulted in massive improvement in only one week.

Mrs C.C.: Suffered bloating, migraine, flatulence, rhinitis. Husband says she is like a different person after avoidance of cheese, milk and chocolate.

Miss S.E.: Her symptoms were overweight, irritability and breathlessness. Proved allergic to eggs and coffee. Improvement in all symptoms started after one week and she lost half a stone in 3 weeks at which time she said she was "Feeling marvellous".

Master J. (aged 4 yrs): Hyperactive and violent with bedwetting.
Allergic to soft drinks, sweets, chocolate and dairy products. After one week of avoidance, child became rational and "marvellous change" noted.

Mrs R.H.: Overweight, headache with blurred vision and constant fatigue. Found to be allergic to coffee, alcohol, cheese, eggs and most tinned soups. After removal of these items from her diet she reported being headache and blurred-vision free for the first time in years after only one week! Her fatigue lifted soon after and she lost all her overweight.

Mrs J.B.: Symptoms of mental confusion, fatigue, headaches, along with a powerful sugar craving. Jean was found to be allergic to sugar and after only one week of avoidance,was "ecstatic" by her greatly improved condition.

Miss B.B.: Suffered weight problems and eczema. Found to be allergic to dairy products. After avoidance, she lost all her overweight as well as her eczema symptoms. She said she felt "like a new being".

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